Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The Best Pizza in the World...EVER.

I spent the first two decades of my life convinced that the best pizza in the world was slung straight from the piping hot oven of Jason's Pizzeria in Woodland, Maine, right next to the crap-hole of a town I grew up in in Washington County. A tiny Cambodian woman, not named Jason (I never figured out who Jason was) lived out her days for years on end in the sweltering, windowless kitchen of Jason's Pizza, and cranked out some of the most incredible ah-peet-za-pies I have ever had. I have ever had. My siblings, mother, father and friends all agree that Jason's Pizza is the best, and I pine for it like an ex-pat sometimes pines for their homeland. I would recommend that everyone make the lonesome, 4 hour trek northeast to the dismal town of Woodland, Maine just so you can experience this little Asian woman's signature pies, but I can't because Jason's Pizzeria isn't there anymore. It closed it's doors about a year ago after the Woodland paper mill changed ownership for the billionth time and everyone got laid off. I guess having the best 'effing pepperoni and Canadian bacon pie for dinner three nights a week became less of a priority for people. Understandable.
With the untimely death of Jason's, I unenthusiastically tried all of the pizza joints Portland, Maine has to offer. Each and every one of them epically failed my palette's review, EXCEPT for the pizza at Otto on Congress Street (I shall save my thoughts on Otto's awesomeness for another day). I won't mention my list of Stanley Steemer's, but suffice to say, no one in this friggin city knows how to make pizza taste like and/or visually resemble traditional pizza in any way, shape or form, except for Otto.
But I digress! The point of this first post is not to lament over the loss of Jason's, or to give Otto gushing praise, but to mention, and this is very hard for me to do, that I think I may have stumbled upon pizza that was even BETTER than Jason's. I know, it's treasonous to say, but it's true. And you'll never believe where I found it... BROOKLYN, NY! (Who woulda thunk??)
Yep, the best of the best can be found under the Brooklyn bridge in NYC's most notorious borough. The name? Grimaldi's. The reason why it's the best? Because their pizza tastes like an ancient secret. The sauce makes me think of a giant stock pot simmering all day with the dregs of fat, robust roma tomatoes, onion and spices. The crust reminds me of the wood-fired oven the dough napped in before becoming thinner, crunchy and lightly dusted in black crumbs on the bottom. When I was there eating it, I remember seeing the tubs upon tubs of perfectly sliced mozzarella balls. Mozzarella balls, I say! No bags of shredded cheese, OK. The worker bees at Grimaldi's churned out those pies at a frenetic pace, grabbing big handfuls of fresh basil LEAVES, roasted red pepper, slices of dried salami, oily anchovies, huge chunks of fresh garlic. The ingredients were alive. And as I ate the pizza, there was no processed grease dripping down my chin. There were instead, natural oils from the quality ingredients leaving little, delicious pools on my plate, which I mopped up with my crust ends. As much as I adored Jason's pizza, nothing about it was alive, or real. It was hands-down, 110% generic pizza. Yes it was good, but it was no Grimaldi's.
I bet Grimaldi's has the recipe for their pizza sauce under lock and key. Or maybe some guy in the mob named Franky threatens to do unmentionable deeds to the family dog if any new staff utters a word about how the dough is made. Or maybe Border's has a Grimaldi's cookbook and it's all right there for my crazy ass to read. Who knows. But one thing I do know is this: if ever in New York, get your butt to Grimaldi's.

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